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Sunday 2 January 2011

Business Travel Insurance

Business travelers need comprehensive coverage, including medical, medical evacuation, trip cancellation, missed connection and baggage coverage.The best type of plan for a business trip is a Package Plan.
Medical travel insurance should be a priority when planning your next business trip
as you are planing for that business trip away from home, then you need to plan for that unknown risk, illness, emergencies or accident abroad. Visiting foreign countries probably for the first time, on business, comes along with a certain amount of risk which usually is unknown to the traveler. Even developed countries have their own issues that can attribute to travelers contracting a disease or illness. Traveling in unfamiliar territory can be dangerous and leave you susceptible to accidents and, without insurance coverage,you travel at risk.Most U.S. health insurance providers don’t cover medical costs outside the country. A travel medical insurance plan will ensure that business travelers get quality care wherever they are travelling to. Depending on the specifications, cost may be minimal but cheap travel insurance doesn’t have to mean cheap service or products. There are many different plans that offer the travel insurance policy coverage that is best suited for your specific situation as a business traveler.
Medical Evacuation covers the expenses of an emergency evacuation to the nearest hospital or even back home
Medical evacuations can be very expensive to travelers, without travel insurance, have to payout from your own  pocket. Being airlifted to a medical facility that is capable of handling your illness or injuries is a must, not an option, when it comes to saving your life. Some countries medical services are substandard and can’t give you the care you need,hence transporting out to another country is your only hope of survival and recovery, depending on the extent of your illness or injury. After recovery, many injuries or illnesses will keep you from traveling on a commercial airline.
Trip Cancellation coverage protect against lost travel expenses if you need to cancel
In most businesses, you never know when a client will cancel or reschedule a meeting that has been planned for weeks or months. Practicing smart business means planning trips ahead of time, but still consider the possibility of the trip being canceled at the last minute. Paying for flights and hotels in advance will save you money in the long run, and with trip cancellation insurance travelers can be assured they will be financially reimbursed for your whole trip investment, should their schedules be change unexpectedly.
Missed Connection coverage  help reduce stressful moments when trying to catch multiple flights during a trip
It could be a foggy morning, snowy, or 10 minute delay in takeoff keeping you from getting on your next flight. Missed connection insurance is a small investment when hundreds or even thousands of dollars in flight costs are at stake.
Baggage Coverage will protect your luggage and personal effects against loss, theft, damage, and delay
You’ve heard the horror stories, and business attire is not typically a light investment. Tally up your wardrobe needs for a week of business meetings and if your baggage goes missing, you are looking at thousands of dollars of loss. Even one lost shoe can cost more than a baggage insurance plan. Business travelers also purchase baggage coverage to ensure reimbursement in the event that their possessions are stolen or damaged, a comprehensive plan will cover these losses and offer a certain amount of cash compensation to cover travelers until your baggage is either located or determined lost or stolen.
Travel insurance package plans cover all of the needs of a business traveler and more
A good travel insurance company will bundle all of your insurance products into one cost effective plan to cover you completely while away from home. Different insurance companies offer a selection of coverages with sometimes different conditions and policies. So get the details and a quote from several different providers. Many companies will purchase travel insurance policies for their employees, so be sure to request coverage before your next trip. If you own a business, travel insurance coverage is a must to ensure a successful stress-free business trip for you and your employees.

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